Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Installation Instructions for NetBEans 6.1 UML modelling

1. Download the bundle of NEtBEans 6.1 with JDK 1.6.0_12 (if you have no JDK (Java SE Development Kit) installed already).

Else, if you already have JDK installed

(you need at least JDK 1.5.0 update 12, see http://www.netbeans.org/community/releases/61/install.html#requiredsoftware)

you need to download only NetBeans 6.1.

Go to URL:
and click on "Download", the one at the right-bottom corner that is at the bottom of a column called "All".

2. Install NEtBEans according to the instractions URL:

3. Start NetBeans and From the File menu chose "New Project"
The following window should appear:

4. If there is no "UML" under categories, then you need to install the UML library separately.

Press cancel to get out of the previous window.
Click Tools->Plugins
Select the "Available Plugins" tab. Scroll down until you find the "UML" plugin.

Select it and press "Install"

Verify that "UML" appears at the tab "Installed plugins".

5. Restart NetBEans. Select File->New Project. Under Categories, select UML. Under Projects, select "Java-platform model".

6. Select File->New File

Under "File Types", click on "Diagram". Click "Next"

Select diagram type.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Coursework 2 -3 model answers available!



many thanks,

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Installation instructions for Rational Rose

In order to install Raional Rose on your personal PC, do the following:
  1. Go to the provided link:
  2. http://vili.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/intranet/r/scripts/rose/
  3. Log in with your school account.
  4. Fill in the requested details.
  5. A page comes up that contains three downloadable files, C90HGM(Java)L.zip, C90HHM(VisBasic)L.zip, C90IOML(C++).zip. Select the archive of interest, e.g. C90HGM(Java)L.zip and save it locally to a directory called RationalRose (e.g. C:\RationalRose)
  6. Wait until Phil (systems group) provides you with a licence.
  7. Open Phil's email, select the text that refers to the licence (between the two lines "Cut Here") and copy paste this into a text file and rename this to rose_licence.txt. Save the txt file locally to your RationalRose directory.
  8. Extract the archive that you have downloaded locally using a free version of WinRAR.
  9. Click on the setup.exe file that is extracted in the root directory of RationalRose (or one level down from the root).
  10. The "IBM Rational Rose Professional J. Edition Launch Pad" comes up. Select "Install IBM Rational Rose Prof. J Edition".
  11. Under Deployment method, select "Desktop Installation from CD image".
  12. Accept Terms&Conditions.
  13. Accept default options.
  14. At the end of the installation, read the "How to obtain release notes" page that pops up and close it.
  15. When the "Licence Key Administrator Wizard" pops up, select the option "Import a Rational Licence file" and upload the file rose_licence.txt.
  16. Accept the next default options.
  17. The software has been installed successfully.
  18. Do the same for other version that you may need, e.g. the C++ one.

To start using the application go to Start->Programs->IBM Rational->IBM Rational Rose Professional J Edition. A panel that contains a selection of projects comes up as shown below. Select J2SE 1.4 to create a new java project.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Solution to Coursework 1 available on the web-site!

You can download model answers to coursework 1:
(Lecture 10).

Student Licences for Rational Rose released!

Students can now download Rose and get a license file from us at the
following page:

Unfortunately, the download and install, plus license file acquisition
are a non-trivial exercise.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Official coursework on OOA/OOD published!


Select :

"Coursework 2007-2008"


Use Case practice coursework corrected!

Model answers soon on the home page...

Kind Regards,


Rational Rose software

Dear all,

we have introduced a modelling tool called Rational Rose and it is installed in lab 131. You are wellcome to try it out. It is a state-of-the-art open-source software for OOA/OOD. We are working on a demonstration and for getting licences that you can use at home.


Exercise 1 : Student Registration

Dear all,

the solutions of the tutorials, "Student Registration" and "Video Rental", are available at the course's home page (lectures 5 & 6).


Kind regards,

Official coursework on OOA/OOD announced!

Dear all,
The official coursework was announced on 27/2/2008. You can find it inside the ppt slides of lecture 8 at the course's home page.


Useful information:

Deadline: 17 April 2008
Penalty for delay: Grade:= Grade – 5% * DaysOfDelay

Comments that will strengthen your work:

  • Try to justify and comment on analysis and design decisions. Discuss informally what led you to analyze and design part of the system in a specific manner.
  • Describe briefly the methodology used to perform a task, based on the output of previous tasks. For instance, mention a few points about how one can derive different parts of the Implementation Model based on Interaction Diagrams or DCDs.
  • Use Rational Rose, MSStudio2008, Eclipse, UMLET or another similar tool that you are familiar with for all tasks.